Nella Libia del dopo Sarraj spunta Saif al Islam, il figlio di Gheddafi

19 settembre 2020.

Conseguenza delle dimissioni due giorni fa di Fayez Sarraj da premier del governo di Tripoli appare quella del momentaneo ritorno in auge di Khalifa Haftar a Bengasi. Ma l’ex «uomo forte» della Cirenaica è troppo debole per capitalizzare politicamente. I russi non lo sostengono più e paiono invece appoggiare discretamente Saif al Islam, il figlio più politico di Muammar Ghaddafi. Putin resta fortemente attratto dai vecchi ghaddafiani duri e puri, mentre è offeso da quelli che considera i voltafaccia altezzosi di Haftar. Fonti tripoline raccontano di un aereo russo che negli ultimi giorni avrebbe condotto Saif da Zintan a Mosca per colloqui riservati. Sono sviluppi caotici e carichi di colpi di scena in questa Libia frammentata, che dalla caduta di Gheddafi nel 2011 è sempre più vittima delle faide interne alimentate dalle ingerenze politiche e militari straniere. Soltanto un paio di settimane fa sembrava che la ripresa del dialogo tra Sarraj e i leader della Cirenaica in vista della creazione di un governo unitario potesse essere garantita dalla marginalizzazione di Haftar. Ma adesso di due governi nemici sono entrambi dimissionari e lacerati dalle lotte interne per la successione. L’Onu e l’Europa provano a ritessere le fila del dialogo con i prossimi incontri di Ginevra assieme al progetto tedesco di una conferenza internazionale virtuale sulla Libia il 5 ottobre. Ma intanto Putin ed Erdogan si parlano direttamente e sono loro a dettare le regole del gioco.


Preso da:

موسى إبراهيم: الانتهاكات ضد مؤيدي سيف الإسلام تفضح النزعة الجهوية لقيادة الرجمة العميلة ومشروعها السلطوي

أوج – القاهرة
اعتبر المتحدث السابق باسم اللجنة الشعبية العامة، الدكتور موسى إبراهيم، اليوم الثلاثاء، أن عمليات المداهمة والقبض والاعتقال التعسفي، التي طالت العشرات من المدنيين في عدة مدن في شرق ليبيا من المؤيدين للدكتور سيف الإسلام القذافي، والتي تطورت اليوم في سرت إلى الاعتداء على العائلات وقتل الشباب البريء وترهيب الأطفال في مضاجع نومهم، تزيد من تكريس الصورة السلبية لقيادة مشروع الكرامة والجيش.

ورأى إبراهيم، في تدوينة عبر حسابه الشخصي بموقع التواصل الاجتماعي “فيس بوك”، تحت عنوان “إفلاس الرجمة والموقف الصحيح للوطنيين في ليبيا”، رصدتها “أوج”، أن كل هذه الانتهاكات تفضح النزعة السلطوية والجهوية والفردية للمسيطرين على الأمور في الرجمة.

وأشار المتحدث السابق باسم اللجنة الشعبية العامة، إلى أنه كان لدى الكثيرين ولسنوات بارقة أمل أن يتجه مشروع الكرامة والجيش التابع له وبشكل تدريجي نحو حاضنة وطنية تجمعه مع بقية أحرار الوطن، وأنهم لهذا السبب انضموا بالآلاف للجيش والعمل السياسي الموازي له، مشيرًا إلى أن الرهان لم ينجح لأسباب ذكرها مُسبقًا في كلمة مرئية قبل 5 أشهر.

وقال: “يبدو أن الذي رضع من ضرع الوكالة إياها لا يمكن أن لدمه إلا أن يكون نجساً، ولقلبه إلا أن يصير مُظلمًا، ولوطنيته إلا أن ينخر في عظامها سوس العمالة العتيد”، منوهًا بأنه قد حان الوقت أن يتخذ جميع الأحرار موقفًا واضحًا من قيادة الرجمة التي وصفها بـ”العميلة ومشروعها السلطوي التابع للأجنبي”.

وأوضح، أن هذا الموقف يجب أن يكون جماعيًا وحاسمًا حتى يكون له تأثيره الوطني الصحيح، خاتما بالقول: “انتهى وقت الآمال الزائفة والرهانات الخاسرة”.

وأفادت مصادر محلية مُطلعة لـ”أوج”، في وقت سابق من اليوم، بأن قوات الكرامة استعانت بمرتزقة حركة جيش تحرير السودان بقيادة مني آركو مناوي، لاقتحام منازل المؤيدين للدكتور سيف الإسلام، مشيرة إلى استعدادات من أهالي المدينة للانتفاض ضدها وطردها من المدينة.

وكشفت المصادر، أن كتيبة طارق بن زياد التي يشرف عليها أحد أبناء خليفة حفتر استعانت بمرتزقة حركة جيش تحرير السودان بقيادة مني آركو مناوي، وألقت القبض على مؤيدي للدكتور سيف الإسلام، وهم؛ نصر محمد بلقاسم الزياني، وعبدالهادي عطية الزياني، وقذوفه عويدات، واصيل محمد زيد، وميلاد سالم فرحات، وعلي عبدالله سعيد، وحمزة علي السويدي، وحمزة بدري اصبيع، وعلي جمعة عمران، واسامة حسن الساعدي، مجدي حسن الساعدي، فيما قتلت ناصر اعويدات القذافي دهسًا ‏بواسطة سيارة مسلحة أمام منزله.

Муса Ибрагим: Нападения на сторонников Саифа аль-Ислама разоблачают тенденцию к расколу страны марионеточными “правителями”

Муса Ибрагим: Преступления против сторонников Саифа аль-Ислама разоблачают тенденцию к расколу страны марионеточными “правителями”, выполняющими авторитарный проект иностранных хозяев.…

Джана – Каир, 25 августа 2020 г.

Бывший пресс-секретарь Главного народного комитета д-р Муса Ибрагим, сегодня, во вторник заявил, что он считает рейды, обстрелы, грабежи и произвольные аресты, от которых пострадали десятки мирных жителей в нескольких городах на востоке Ливии – сторонники доктора Саифа аль-Ислама Каддафи, сегодня в Сирте переросли в открытые нападения. Хафтарники должны убивать ни в чем не повинных юношей и терроризировать спящих детей, еще более укрепляя негативный образ главарей хафтарников, прикидывающихся “армией”.

Муса Ибрагим пишет в Пысобуке материал под заголовком «Банкротство Ар-Раджмы и правильная позиция патриотов в Ливии», где все эти нарушения разоблачаются как авторитарная, раскольническая тенденцию к неограниченной власти в Ар-Раджме.

Он указал, что в течение многих лет у многих людей был “проблеск надежды” на то, что проект хафтарников [под командованием агента ЦРУ] и связанная с ним “армия” предателей “постепенно превратится” в “национальный инкубатор”, который объединит их с остальными свободными людьми страны, и что по этой причине каддафисты тысячами присоединились к хафтарникам, которые начали вести салафитскую политическую работу параллельно с этим, но, как оказалось, главной Хафтара был вовсе не военный успех, по ранее упомянутым причинам, что и стало ясным 5 месяцев назад.

Он сказал: «Кажется, что тот, кого вкормило вымя ЦРУ, не может иметь своей крови, но стал нечистым до мозга костей, и его сердце с тех пор только чернело, а его “патриотизм” был съеден им вместе с костями при поддержке таких же крыс и предателей. Пришло время всем свободным людям занять четкую позицию в отношении главарей Раджмы, которых он описал как “агенты и иностранный диктаторский проект”.

Он объяснил, что эта позиция должна быть коллективной, одновременной и решительной, чтобы она имела правильный национальный эффект, и, в заключение сказал: «Времени для ложных надежд и проигрышных ставок больше нет!».

Ранее в тот же день хорошо информированные местные источники сообщили редакции, что хафтарники использовали наемников “Освободительной” “армии” “Судана” во главе с Мини Минави для нападения на дома сторонников доктора Саифа аль-Ислама, ссылаясь на “подготовку горожанами восстания против Хафтара” для изгнания жителей из города.

Proteste contro le forze di Haftar a Sirte in seguito ad una serie di arresti

Fonti locali riferiscono di proteste popolari contro la campagna di arresti avviata nei giorni scorsi dalle forze di sicurezza affiliate al Libyan National Army (LNA) sotto il comando del generale Khalifa Haftar. Le tensioni sono iniziate da oltre una settimana, quando un movimento apparentemente pro-Gheddafi ha organizzato manifestazioni in sostegno della candidatura del figlio del rais, Saif al-Islam.

Il 20 e 21 agosto, le manifestazioni del movimento verde si sono svolte regolarmente, ma oggi i residenti denunciano l’arresto di diversi giovani, tra cui: Nasr Mohamed Belkacem Al-Zayani, Abdul Hadi Attia Al-Zayani,
Gaddaf Addam Eawaydat, Aseel Mohammed Zaid, Milad Salem Farhat, Ali Abdullah Saeed, Hamza Ali Al-Suwaidi, Hamza Badri Asbaa, Ali Gomaa Imran, Osama Hassan Al-Saadi, Majdi Hassan Al-Saadi.

I residenti hanno minacciato il generale Khalifa Haftar di chiudere la strada che collega Sirte alla Libia meridionale, avvertendo inoltre Imrajaa, il comandante della Brigata Tariq Bin Zayed, che il suo gruppo non è benvenuto a Sirte. Alcuni presenti hanno riferito di un inseguimento e una sparatoria all’interno della città, dove un giovane sarebbe rimasto ucciso. Secondo l’iniziativa del premier Fayez al-Serraj e il presidente del Parlamento Aguila Saleh, la città di Sirte dovrebbe essere demilitarizzata ed affidata ad una forza di polizia congiunta.

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Protests Against GNA Tyranny Turns Deadly as 22 Civilians Killed by GNA Mercenaries

Submitted by JoanneM on

August 23, 2020 Tripoli, Libya Protestors took to the streets of Tripoli and surrounding cities to protest the untenable living conditions in the city and in the whole of Libya. The city of Tripoli that has been under the control of the so called Government of National Accord (appointed by and supported by the UN) since 2015. Since that time the GNA has not done one government like activity in Libya. The GNA is made up of radicals, mostly Muslim Brotherhood but some Al Qaeda and LIFG. The Libyan people would have never agreed or voted to put such people in charge of their banks, government ministries or other such institutions. The criminals in the GNA were appointed? by someone in a meeting? in Tunisia. The elected government of Libya – the HOR (House of Representatives) rejected a group of men appointed in a foreign country to rule in Tripoli so the UN sneaked them in by the dark of night by boat to Tripoli. Once they landed they were under the protection of Belhaj, the terrorist leader of the LIFG in Tripoli. The GNA having put their feet on Libyan soil were immediately recognized as the legitimate government of Libya by the UN. This recognition was to last for 2 years, but since the GNA has not complied with one article of the so called Shkirat agreement, why should they be bound by the 2 year time limit. The corruption of the GNA regime knows no bounds. The first principle of the Shkirat agreement was to “Ensure the democratic rights of the Libyan people”. Serraj, the man appointed to head the GNA by God only knows who; was a furniture salesman, I am pretty sure he cannot even spell the word democracy. Serraj is of Turkish decent and a full blown PUPPET of the Turkish madman “Erdogan”.

The downhill slide of the living conditions, rights of the people, etc., started immediately after the GNA regime was installed. The situation continues to worsen daily. Billions of dollars of Libyan funds have been “GIFTED” to Turkey without any conditions attached. Billions of Libyan dollars have been paid to terrorist mercenaries brought into Tripoli to secure the criminal activities of the GNA regime and purchase weapons to be used against any Libyan that does not bow down to the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the reason the oil was shut off by the great tribes of Libya. They said we will no longer allow the money from Libya’s oil resources to be used by the GNA and Turkey to kill our people.

Yesterday, August 23, 2020; .as the people of Tripoli took to the streets demanding the removal of Serraj and his criminal GNA radical regime because they have suffered too long now with no electricity, no food, no medicine, no water, no gasoline, etc. – 22 YOUNG PEOPLE were shot and killed by the GNA regime using their terrorist mercenaries – paid for with the Libyan people’s money. The Libyan people demand the removal of all their so called governments – there is no support for the people from any of them and there is no legitimate government in Libya. They call for a country wide election that was promised to them years ago.


In 2011 the entire country, security and government was DESTROYED by NATO because 2 protestors were shot by Qatari snipers in Benghazi and it was blamed on Ghadafi. Hillary Clinton’s legacy continues in Libya. The people suffer every day with a criminal regime that does nothing except support the theft of Libya to a Turkish madman who wants to reinstate one of the most brutal regimes in the history of the world – the “Ottoman Empire”. The entire destruction of Libya was based on a lie and the continuation of the oppression of the Libyan people by the UN and its minions is a crime against humanity that the world refuses to recognize.

The UN in its report today about the protests in Tripoli barely covers the reasons and the results of the protests. But, if you remember in 2011, the reports of crimes in Libya were embellished to the point of it being worse than Nazi Germany. A small slap on the hand of the GNA that there will be an investigation into the use of force means absolutely nothing will happen. Why is that? Because the GNA is the creature created by the UN. All that is required to help Libya return to a peaceful country is to remove the virus that is making it sick, that virus is the GNA and Turkey. Link to UN report:…

You will not find one legitimate reports about what happened in Tripoli on August 23, 2020. The national media outlets are reporting protests with some blaming problems on Ghadafi supporters. Again they try to turn the world against Libya with lies. It is the terrorist mercenaries that shot the people – some of the protestors attempted to fight back but in the end the mercenaries are better armed and have no oversight so they kill randomly. You will not see a report of 22 killed in any media outlet.

The list of those killed has been made known in Libya and i will post it below this article.

Another effect of these protests has been an increased urgency by Turkey to take over Libya by force. As the Turkish madman, Erdogan sees his puppet in Tripoli failing and possibly soon to be gone, taken out by the Libyan people, he has begun to move his warships towards the Sirte harbor. The Libyan National Army and the Egyptian army are both on high alert as Turkey has been warned to keep their war ships away from Libya.

Make no mistake, there will be no ceasefire in Libya, it is a red herring. The same dirty game played by the UN during the Berlin talks. When the Libyan peoples army agreed to the terms and pulled out of Tripoli, the Turkish supported GNA did not and claimed a victory over the Libyan army. The LNA will not fall for this again, no matter if Serraj or Saleh of the GNA and HOR respectively, state such things. There can be no ceasefire when your country is illegally occupied and being stolen from on a grand scale by terrorists. You cannot negotiate with terrorists.

Things are coming to a head in Libya, the people are standing against the corruption and terrorists that were planted in their country by NATO and Hillary Clinton. They will take back their country or they will die. The US people had better pay attention, the same dirty tricks are being played on the US citizens today and the results will be the same. It is all part of the New World Order Khazarian Zionists agenda.

Killed protestors

Turkey tests military flights to Libya amid reports of establishing bases

Ankara proving it can rapidly and easily deploy several F-16s and early warning aircraft to Libya, official tells MEE
A Turkish F-16 takes off from Eskisehir as part of the air drill in the Eastern Mediterranean (Handout)




Turkey’s military conducted an eight-hour long air drill to the Libyan coast on Thursday to show that it could rapidly and easily deploy several F-16s and early warning aircraft to the country if needed, a Turkish official told Middle East Eye.

In a separate formal announcement, Turkey’s military reported that its air force and navy jointly conducted “Open Sea Training” in the Eastern Mediterranean, with 17 aircraft involved having taken off from the city of Eskisehir. Eight frigates and corvettes also joined the drill.

“The activity was conducted in international waters, in a route totalling a 2,000km round trip,” a second Turkish official told MEE. The drill, which was commanded by the military headquarters back in Turkey, also included airtankers and C-130 military cargo planes.

Meanwhile, Turkish media reported that Ankara will establish two military bases in Libya as part of its security cooperation with the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA).

The Yeni Safak daily report, referencing regional sources, said the strategic al-Watiya airbase in western Libya will become a drone hub, where armed UAVs and surveillance aircraft will be deployed. The drones will be protected by Turkish air defence systems, it said.

Al-Watiya was recaptured by the GNA last month with the help of Turkish military assistance, one of a series of victories against Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA) that has seen the eastern commander’s offensive in western Libya crumble.

Despite a UN weapons embargo, Turkey signed a military cooperation deal with the GNA and sent drones, armoured vehicles, Syrian mercenaries and military officers to support the government, which was struggling to fight off Haftar’s UAE, Egypt and Russia-backed forces.

Yeni Safa said a second naval base would be established in Misrata, which is crucial for the military supply chain from Turkey.

“Considering the increase of Greek provocations in Eastern Mediterranean, and the strategic importance of naval forces, it is an imperative to maintain the Turkish navy’s presence in the area,” the report said.

Several reports in the Turkish media earlier this week indicated that Ankara plans to contribute to efforts to rebuild Libya once a permanent ceasefire is put in place. The Turkish government also intends to begin oil and gas drilling activities in the country and off its coast in the next few months.

Yeni Safak said that oil company Turkish Petroleum is expected to run the oil facilities in Misrata once the area is totally cleared of LNA forces.

Burhanettin Duran, an expert on international relations who is close to the Turkish government, said in a column on Friday that Turkey should have a four-point plan in Libya to ensure Ankara’s interests are protected.

“Bilateral relations between Ankara and Tripoli must be deepened in the areas of security, energy and investment. This should be extended to the drilling activities on land and sea,” he wrote.

“Secondly, the GNA’s control of Sirte and Jufra should be ensured by seizing the oil crescents with the help of Turkish military advise and armed drones.”

Duran added that Turkey has to have a place in the reconstruction efforts and draft a political solution proposal that would satisfy all parties involved, including the GNA’s rival Benghazi-based government allied with Haftar.


The Libyan People Challenge the International Community’s Obsession with the “Legitimacy” of a Foreign- Imposed, Unelected Terrorist Regime


The Libyan people are paying dearly for the dysfunctional balances of international legitimacy, and the blood of their children is sacrificed  to satisfy the whims of major powers and to achieve the ambitions of regional and international mafias that regard Libya only as a lake of oil, gas, frozen funds in foreign banks and vast land that can be turned into laboratories of creative chaos in the region.

The world is still deluding itself that there is legitimacy in Tripoli for the government of reconciliation that no one elected, without popular support or the recommendation of parliament, that also failed to implement its goals that it was established for, documented in the Skhirat agreement, serving only as a Brotherhood cell that executes orders from Qatar and Turkey,  and maintains power with hired armed  militia.

What happened in Skhirat in 2015 was a conspiracy in which regional and international actors tampered with the elected Parliament. While agendas and  interests played a major role,  intelligence services implemented their schemes to perpetuate crisis and enable the Brotherhood to overcome electoral defeat. The goal of the United Nations was to ease the pain without addressing the cause, and the result was that the government of reconciliation,  lacking any legitimacy,  has become a dictatorship. It is the caliphate operating under the dilapidated cloak of  international legitimacy, while before the eyes of the world, Erdogan transports thousands of mercenaries from northern Syria, the majority of whom are terrorists, to fight against the Libyan people and army, and from the Mediterranean Sea, Turkish  battleships are launched with NATO flags and missiles to bomb Libyan cities and villages.

Turks, Qataris, the Brotherhood, their trumpets benefited from the turbulent and shaky international reality caused by policies of leaders obsessed with competing to lead the world, and they spread their lies about Russian influence, mercenaries from Sudan, and aircraft from Egypt in the ranks of the national army, to incite  Western opposition against  the General Command of the Armed Forces.

The advocates of terrorism, warlords, human traffickers, public money robbers, al-Qaeda remnants and ISIS presented themselves as the protectors of the civil state, and huge sums were leaked from under the dialogue tables to purchase the conscience of influential political, human rights, and media actors, and the diplomacy of the Qatari and Brotherhood deals. In turn, Erdogan reaped the benefits. A blatant interference that challenges everyone and confirms for the millionth time that international legitimacy is nothing but a lie that destroys the homeland. The Security Council has not uttered a word about Turkish aggression, and the United Nations mission equates a regular army with militias, between documented facts and rumours. NATO finds in the Turkish adventure, an opportunity to penetrate the southern Mediterranean and open the way into the Sahara. The European Union faces internal divisions due t o the legacy of old colonial rivalries,  and Arab countries are unable to accept the painful truth that confirms that Libya is only an episode in a series of Erdogan ambitions to target them all, while the African Union is swayed by Qatari money and Turkish propaganda.

Who can face this reality? Some may be quick to say that it is the Libyan people. Indeed, it may take a long time for people to absorb the major issues concerning their destiny.  Even though the majority are supportive of the army and believe in their cause, what happened from 2011 to today has negatively affected the social fabric and has led to fractures even within the same family. Voices that have emerged during the past two days to divide the army ranks are only the latest expression of the lack of awareness of the fatefulness of the moment and the magnitude of the challenge.

The army leadership has made many mistakes since the launch of the Flood of Dignity to liberate Tripoli in April 2019, the most prominent of which is wasting time and not taking advantage of opportunities to enter the capital, not paying attention to the perpetuation of the war serving the militias and not fulfilling many of the promises made haphazardly, neglecting positions that were under the control of the army, starting from Gharyan, passing through Sorman, Sabratha, Ajilat, Al-Ajil, Al-Jameel, Tiji and Badr, resulting in crimes committed against those who supported this project, revealing military plans and locations of the army to be exploited by the opposite side, as  happened with the air defense platform at the base of al-Watiyah, the exclusion of leaders, poor media performance, with too much emphasis on  international public opinion through exposing the government of reconciliation and Turkish invaders.

Today, Libya is facing a fateful moment and its living, patriotic forces, against Turkish interference, Brotherhood crimes, militia rule, employment and treachery of the reconciliation government, must meet towards one goal which is the liberation of the country, by supporting the army and organizing effective popular resistance to the enemy,  transcending the topic of international legitimacy to one of popular legitimacy, assuring the world that the national army is  not a person (Haftar), but rather is a national institution with a regular hierarchy and military craftsmanship whose roots go back to1939 through the royal and mass covenants, up to the process of dignity and beyond.

The international community that has been behind the crisis since 2011,  has ignored terrorism, militia rule, and pillaged wealth, has closed its eyes to Turkish intervention and the transfer of thousands of mercenaries from northern Syria to western Libya, and from crimes against civilians. Now, they are either positioned  on the side of the people, the sole source of authority and legitimacy, or with terrorist groups and mercenaries strengthened through broad international recognition and entrenched with Turkish mercenaries.

Al Arab

Translation by Internationalist 360°

Ancora scontri tra i RATTI terroristi che sostengono Serraji.

Tutti i problemi della coalizione anti-Haftar, schermaglie tra le milizie di Tripoli

Successivamente, diversi scontri si sono verificati in varie aree della capitale tra i miliziani della RADA e i rivoluzionari di Tripoli in quello che sembra essere l’ennesimo tentativo di espellerli dalla città da parte degli islamisti, sebbene entrambi i gruppi facciano parte della coalizione anti-Haftar autoproclamatasi ‘Tripoli Protection Force’.

Le schermucce si sono allargate a macchia d’olio raggiungendo anche le aree residenziali di Sabaa e Al-Furnaj nella capitale. Secondo fonti della Presidential Guard, l’arresto di El-China sarebbe stato ordinato dal ministro degli Interni, Fathi Bashagha, dopo le recenti tensioni con le milizie di Haytham al-Tajouri e Nawasi. Va detto che i rapporti tra le gang armate del GNA e lo stesso GNA non sono idilliaci da quando, all’inizio del conflitto, diversi giovani appartenenti alla TRB e all’8va Brigata Nawasi si sono rifiutati di combattere al fianco di terroristi dell’ormai disciolto Ansar al-Sharia, successivamente additati di collaborare con Haftar.

Nel frattempo, la TRB ha rilasciato una breve nota sul suo account Facebook negando le tensioni con l’SDF e ribadendo che le scaramucce sono scoppiate tra i rami che operano al di fuori dei ranghi ufficiali delle milizie, confermando le tensioni per l’assenza di leadership all’interno del gruppo. Va detto inoltre che tra le due milizie esistono delle differenze ideologiche di fondo, l’SDF infatti ha un approccio molto religioso, mentre i membri della TRB non disdicono la compagnia di donne, il gioco a carte, il consumo di alcool e droghe, ampiamente consumati di nascosto.

Tali eventi seguono un altro arresto ordinato da Bashagha di almeno altri due comandanti della TRB, che hanno portato la Brigata a ritirarsi dal fronte di Ain Zara il 21 aprile. Gli osservatori continuano a temere atti di vendetta soprattutto nei confronti delle istituzioni che hanno innescato tali meccanismi.

Preso da:

Il mufti libico incita i giovani a compiere attentati suicida contro l’esercito

17 Aprile 2020

Il gran Mufti libico, Al-Sadiq al-Gharyani, ha sollecitato i giovani tra le forze allineate al Governo di Accordo Nazionale (GNA) ad effettuare operazioni kamikaze qualora queste possano indebolire i ranghi del nemico. In un’intervista televisiva, il controverso imam di Tripoli ha affermato che gli attacchi suicida sono “legittimi ed ammissibili perché molti dei compagni del Profeta si gettarono dalle mura e morirono per aprire il forte”.

Al-Gharyani ha aggiunto che se i giovani tre le file di Serraj sono in grado di lanciare attacchi suicida che provochino un grande impatto, sconfitta o perdita pesante tra le file dell’LNA, allora questo è un progetto che vale la pena provare. Va sottolineato che l’anziano Al-Gharyani non ha basato la sua fatwa, la legge nel diritto islamico che corrisponde ai responsa del diritto romano, sulle parole del Corano o un racconto della vita del Profeta Maometto, bensì si ispira ai principi della Sharia.

La nuova fatwa di Al-Gharyani invita i giovani di Tripoli e gli estremisti siriani ad immolarsi contro il Libyan National Army (LNA) esattamente come i jihadisti dal 2011 fanno in tutta la Libia, attaccando sedi della polizia e avamposti dell’esercito. L’imam è stato già bandito dall’entrare nel Regno Unito per aver incoraggiato gli estremisti nel 2014 nella presa di Tripoli.

Ghariani è fuggito dal Regno Unito nel mese di agosto dopo che il quotidiano britannico ‘The Guardian” ha rivelato che stava trasmettendo discorsi estremisti ai militanti in Libia dal Regno Unito, attraverso la stazione televisiva libica Tanasuh, con cui invitava i giovani ad unirsi alla milizia islamista guidata da Salah Badi, Libya Dawn, responsabile della distruzione dell’aeroporto internazionale di Tripoli e della fuga dell’ultimo Governo eletto nell’est del Paese.

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Civili di Abu Qurain denunciano crimini e violazioni delle milizie

Di Vanessa Tomassini.

“Le milizie di Misurata sono entrate nel villaggio di Abu Qurain, costringendo i civili ad uscire. Hanno rotto una mano ad una ragazza quando ha provato ad impedire loro di arrestare suo fratello, Souad Mohamed al-Senussi”. Ci raccontano alcuni civili in fuga dagli scontri armati tra i gruppi armati di Misurata, affiliati al Governo di Accordo Nazionale (GNA) e il Libyan National Army (LNA) sotto il comando del feldmaresciallo Khalifa Haftar.

Ad Abu Qurain diverse case sono state danneggiate dai combattimenti, alcune sono state bruciate per via dell’orientamento politico dei proprietari. Secondo il racconto dei residenti, con l’esplosione della violenza che ha raggiunto i quartieri residenziali, si sono verificati diversi crimini, compresi furti ed episodi di sciacallaggio, mentre i civili continuano a non avere accesso ai beni esistenziali di base.

“La famiglia di Suleiman Jibril ha perso 3 figli durante gli eventi di Febbraio 2011, oggi altri due fratelli sono stati arrestati e portati forzatamente nella città di Misurata. Uno di loro è Ali Suleiman Jibril, ufficiale dell’LNA, il cui destino resta sconosciuto fino ad ora”. Raccontano le stesse fonti, aggiungendo che un uomo sarebbe stato punito a morte per la sua affiliazione all’LNA e i gruppi armati di Misurata ne avrebbero imposto la sepoltura senza un referto medico. Tra le persone catturate ad Abu Qurain ci sarebbe anche Mohamed al-Sharif, il cui amico Murad Jibril Rajab sarebbe già stato ucciso.

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