Nella Libia del dopo Sarraj spunta Saif al Islam, il figlio di Gheddafi

19 settembre 2020.

Conseguenza delle dimissioni due giorni fa di Fayez Sarraj da premier del governo di Tripoli appare quella del momentaneo ritorno in auge di Khalifa Haftar a Bengasi. Ma l’ex «uomo forte» della Cirenaica è troppo debole per capitalizzare politicamente. I russi non lo sostengono più e paiono invece appoggiare discretamente Saif al Islam, il figlio più politico di Muammar Ghaddafi. Putin resta fortemente attratto dai vecchi ghaddafiani duri e puri, mentre è offeso da quelli che considera i voltafaccia altezzosi di Haftar. Fonti tripoline raccontano di un aereo russo che negli ultimi giorni avrebbe condotto Saif da Zintan a Mosca per colloqui riservati. Sono sviluppi caotici e carichi di colpi di scena in questa Libia frammentata, che dalla caduta di Gheddafi nel 2011 è sempre più vittima delle faide interne alimentate dalle ingerenze politiche e militari straniere. Soltanto un paio di settimane fa sembrava che la ripresa del dialogo tra Sarraj e i leader della Cirenaica in vista della creazione di un governo unitario potesse essere garantita dalla marginalizzazione di Haftar. Ma adesso di due governi nemici sono entrambi dimissionari e lacerati dalle lotte interne per la successione. L’Onu e l’Europa provano a ritessere le fila del dialogo con i prossimi incontri di Ginevra assieme al progetto tedesco di una conferenza internazionale virtuale sulla Libia il 5 ottobre. Ma intanto Putin ed Erdogan si parlano direttamente e sono loro a dettare le regole del gioco.


Preso da:

Libyans Celebrate 51st Anniversary of the Great Al Fatah Revolution, September 1, 2020

Submitted by JoanneM on

Across Libya with the only exception of the terrorist controlled areas in and near Tripoli, all legitimate Libyan people celebrate the 51st anniversary of the great Al Fatah revolution. The bloodless coup that gave Libya her sovereignty for the first time in hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. The great tribes of Libya appointed Colonel Moammar Al Ghadafi to lead Libya into a new and prosperous era which he did in a spectacular manner. He created a government that shared the wealth of Libya with her people. Just a short list of his accomplishments is listed in the meme below the article

Ghadafi created the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya represented by the green flag. Most people don’t understand that this was a completely different form of socialism. Truly not the real socialism used by other countries. In Libya there was no tax, the money that was shared with the people came from the great rich oil assets of Libya. The Libyan government only required 49% of the oil riches of Libya to run the country, the other money was partitioned out to the people via cash and other benefits.

The govenment of Libya consisted of two houses, one elected (House of Representatives) and one made up of tribal leaders from all over Libya called the General Secretariat of the Tribes. There was also a Prime Minister. Ghadafi was not the leader of the country in 2011 when NATO lied and destroyed the country. Ghadafi had been required to step down according to the 2006 treaty signed with Condoleeza Rice. The Libyan people still considered him their “spiritual leader” as it was explained to us. So there was no dictatorship in Libya there was a duly elected government of the people and it was a pure democracy as the tribal leaders were in direct touch with their people all the time. This created a voice for the people unlike anywhere else in the world.

The dream of the Libyan people represented by the great tribes of Libya (all Libyans are members of tribes) is to hold a full country election and install a new government for the people of Libya using the great Jamahiriya as their guide reinstating many if not all of the principles written by their great leader in his famous “Green Book”.

The biggest problem they face are terrorists, radicals and mercenaries who run tthe country in the west by force. These are the criminal remnants of NATO, most of the Libyans involved with the terrorists (called rats by the legitimate Libyans) are traitors, thieves and criminals (less than 10% of Libyans are rats). The others are mercenaries brought in by Qatar and Turkey to save whatever hold they have on Libya.. There are 2 main groups of terrorists – one fighting with Serraj, the UN / Turkey puppet that is Muslim Brother hood and working with Erdogan who dreams of reinstating the Ottoman empire in Libya. The second group is made up of radical terrorists also, they are from Misurata and support Fathi Bashagha, the so called interior minister. The Serraj led GNA has fired Bashagha, blaming him for killing protestors last week. Bashagha is supported by the terrorists from the port city of Misurata that has its own gangs of terrorists. So, now you have the people of Tripoli caught between a war of two different factions both of them held up solely by gangs, terrorists and thugs; armed and funded by Turkey and Qatar.

For the above stated reason, there was very little celebrations in Tripoli as already 23 people in the streets (unarmed) have been shot and killed.

I have posted a link here to a video the city of Ghat in the south of Libya with the people celebrating.  There are many such videos from all over Libya.

God bless the Libyan people in their struggle to free themselves from the illegitimate, oppressors and occupiers of their beautiful country.

Prime Minister of Eastern Libya’s Government Resigns While Fayez al-Saraj Clings to Power youth block a road with burning tires in Libya’s eastern coastal city of Benghazi on September 12, 2020

Abdullah al-Thinni’s government in eastern Libya resigned, responding to the calls of protesters who took to the streets of Benghazi, al-Bayda, Tobruk, Shahat, al-Marj, and the marginalized areas of the south,  while the  government of Fayez al-Sarraj ignored the angry voices in the west of the country, appointing a number of warlords to sovereign positions, elaborating a policy of hiding behind the weapons of militias capable of suppressing anyone calling for the overthrow of the Tripoli authorities.

A tragic situation grips all of Libya. The people are suffering from a comprehensive collapse of basic services; there is no water, electricity, gas for cooking, fuel, financial liquidity in banks, no salaries that arrive on time, and  health institutions are collapsing in the face of the Corona virus. In addition, the western region is plagued by  unruly militias, mercenaries, in consecration of the Turkish occupation and the Brotherhood’s plots to achieve more penetration into state institutions.

In the south, it is not possible to talk about the existence of a state. The suffering endured for nine years has been absolute. The local population live as if they are in another country, outside of time and space, and despite the vast wealth that is below and above the ground, none of it belongs to the people of Fezzan, which seems just tracts of quicksand and thirsty oases in a remote corner of the Sahara Desert, where only smugglers cross borders to steal gold and antiquities.

In the east of the country, the situation is different, as the army was able to rededicate the concept of the state, and found great support from the people of Cyrenaica.

But the politicians in Tripoli serve  their own interests, enjoying  profits they receive from corruption. This increased social tension has contributed to obstructing political solutions, and even the process of liberating the country from militias and terrorist groups.

A member in the House of Representatives and the State Consultative Council receives a monthly salary of 16 thousand dinars, along with housing, transportation, funds for travel and residence abroad, and a pension salary of 80 percent of the original salary, that is, more than 12 thousand dinars, and they obtain a privilege of exchange in foreign currencies at the same rate diplomats receive, while a teacher’s salary does not exceed 500 dinars, or about $ 90 at the parallel exchange rate, and they usually wait for months to receive it.

The rampant corruption in the joints of the Libyan state, and in the governments of the West and the East, is a systematic corruption from which non-politicians and the majority of people do not benefit, and it is the real reason for the continuation of the conflict. The current politicians do not want the country to arrive at a solution to the crisis, nor elections that they fear will push them out of power, influence and loose money that wanders easily between pockets and bank accounts at home and abroad.

As in Iraq after 2003, after 2011, Libya turned into a mafia state, which prompted the former UN envoy, Ghassan Salame, to say that it was witnessing the largest looting operation, which creates a new millionaire every day, while the people face poverty, destitution, disease, lack of services and insecurity, especially in the western region.

In 2019, Libya ranked No. 168 out of 180 countries on the Transparency International list, with only 18 points out of 100, according to the international organization’s standard. In the last four years, under the reconciliation government, the numbers ranged between 14 and 18 points, despite the fact that the government claims to be legitimate and is supported by the United Nations.

During the past few years, at least 200 billion dollars were spent without having any impact on the land or the lives of the people.  Services provided by the previous government, especially in the field of water, electricity and infrastructure, were completely destroyed.  From areas filled with life, Libya became a den of ghosts, as a result of war and the complete darkness that has become the new normal in a country that is supposed to be one of the richest countries in the region.

When demonstrators in Tripoli went out to denounce this situation and demand their rights, Fayez al-Sarraj directed his armed militias to terrorize them in Martyrs Square and the neighbourhoods and suburbs of the capital, and the Brotherhood assigned mercenaries to penetrate the movement,  to strike them down from within.  But in the eastern region the matter differed as the army recommended protection of the protesters, and therefore, there was no clash between security forces and the demonstrators except in a limited context, when infiltrators were discovered trying to utilize the spontaneous popular movement to serve the agendas of political Islam, which still has some supporters despite the elimination of its militias and armed terrorist gangs.

The most important lesson given by the eastern Libyan movement is that there is no alternative to the presence of a national army to protect the people, using its influence in the public interest, as well as the existence of a legislative reference to which the executive authority returns.  However,  in the west of the country, there is no army; only  conflicting militias, and no legislative institution. Al-Sarraj’s government did not gain the confidence of Parliament and governs under conditions of martial law.

Abdullah al-Thani submitted his resignation to the House of Representatives after realizing that there was no way for him to continue in his position, while al-Sarraj was still holding power, tied to militias, mercenaries and the Turkish occupier.

The Libyan people will not remain silent about their stolen rights and wealth, and will not accept the continuation of  living under the weight of the corrupt who turned  back decades of progress, overthrew their dreams of prosperity and robbed them of  hope for a decent life. They will take back the life their ancestors knew before the Nakba.

Al Arab


Serraj government creaking under pressure: with electricity blackouts, water cuts, youth fleeing to Europe and demonstrating, and municipalities calling for immediate action

By Sami Zaptia.

Libyans are demonstrating against all their failed political and ruling elite in the face of power and water cuts, fuel and liquidity shortages (Photo: Social media).

London, 22 August 2020:

The internationally recognized Libyan government of Faiez Serraj, based in the capital Tripoli, is creaking under pressure of popular discontent as Libyans continue to see it as an ineffective government daily.

With reports that Tripoli-based militias aligned to the internationally recognized Libyan government breaking up demonstrations against the Serraj government by men, on Thursday night a small group of mostly women demonstrated in Algeria Square.

One over seventy-year old lady gave an interview to a local TV channel, usually with a supportive editorial line towards the Tripoli government, which touched a nerve amongst Libyans.

In a mature and considered tone of voice the lady beseeched the Serraj government to not ignore the people and do something about the standard of living crisis in the country.

With successive blackouts and 24-hour power cuts over the last week, Libyan youth have taken to the streets to demonstrate their anger, blocking roads and burning tyres. The tyre burning was partially in anger and partially to provide them with lighting during the extended power cuts.

The irony is that the failed Serraj government has recently resumed university exams and sixth formers are planned to start at the start of September. Students are encouraged not to mix socially with colleagues and urged to revise for exams remotely in their own family bubbles. They are encouraged to revise together in study groups using mobiles and social media – yet with extensive power cuts, this is impossible.

For even those who can afford a large family-sized generator that can run all day and can afford to order-in by phone the diesel to run it at LD 1.50-2.00 / litre, as opposed to the official price of LD 0.35 – can do nothing about operating the mobile phone masts for the needed phone and social media calls.

What has also touched a nationwide Libya nerve is the recent reports of increased Libyan youth now jostling with illegal African migrants to get on the so-called ‘‘death boats’’ to cross the Mediterranean to Europe. An unconfirmed report that at least one boatful of Libyans has capsized with all onboard lost at sea, has caused consternation.

It has, unsurprisingly, in this day and age, led to much social media soul-searching. The brunt of the anger has been directed at the Serraj government, but with the High State Council and parliament (west and east), getting their fair share of lambasting too.

All this with the spread of the Coronavirus in the country out of control. Yesterday, the number of cases passed the 10,000 mark.

People are encouraged to remain at home, but they complain that they need to visit banks to withdraw money, queue for petrol, diesel, cooking cylinders etc. But the banks have a cash crisis and people are forced to keep revisiting banks and queue for long hours – in case liquidity is made available.

The lady interviewed by the Libyan TV channel said they need cash to buy masks and gloves because of the Coronavirus – but the banks have no cash to give out. She said that life was becoming unbearable with Coronavirus, power and water cuts, cash shortages and uncollected rubbish on the streets.

With the war with Hafter looking increasingly over on a permanent basis, the Serraj administration has got no ‘‘we are at war’’ fig leaf to hide behind. His administration and its ineffectiveness have come into focus and under the microscope.

It will be recalled that the Serraj government is perceived as a government chosen by the international community with no local mandate or legitimacy. Legitimacy was meant to be gained through effectiveness and delivering services. However, its failure to solve even one of the myriad of problems of power and water cuts, cash liquidity, rubbish collection, insecurity, fuel and cooking gas shortages etc – has gained it no friends.

On a popular talk show on a local TV station yesterday, local municipality leaders waded into Serraj for failing to solve the electricity problem. They conveyed him as out of touch and insisted he either resolved the power supply problem through the local GECOL company within a short timeline, or purchase it from neighbouring Egypt, or through the hiring of temporary power generators installed regionally – doing away with GECOL altogether.


SPECIAL REPORT | Turkish Intelligence in Tripoli Orders Infiltration of Protest Movement

Two official security sources, in addition to a civilian source, confirmed that the Turkish Intelligence Division in Tripoli had directed the infiltration of the spontaneous popular protest movement through loyal elements to call for demands in line with their interests. It also advised them to exploit the existing leadership vacuum to form a leadership for this movement.

(Libya, 25 August 2020) – The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, revealed that the Division held a meeting this morning at Mitiga base, followed by another at the Abusitah base with Libyan leaders of armed groups, during which it instructed them to infiltrate the popular movement and alter the course of their slogans and demands. Then, these pro-mobilization leaders ordered their members to participate in civilian clothes.

One of the sources, a high-ranking security official, added that Turkish intelligence is very disturbed by the citizen slogans and chants against Turkey’s seizure and extraction of money from the Government of National Accord (GNA), in addition to paying tens of millions to Syrian or Russians mercenaries. Ankara refuses the condition of removing all mercenaries from Libya, whether those with or against it and is of the opinion that the demonstrations against all mercenaries are against its interests. The demonstrators chanted “No to Turks, no to Russians … we are Libyans and we demand our money”, which the Turks did not like.

He pointed out that the Turkish directives were to reduce chants and slogans against Fayez al-Sarraj, the Syrian mercenaries, and the deterioration of living conditions and raise other slogans, including the demand to immediately reopen oil with the same previous arrangements (i.e. the revenues go to Siddiq al-Kabir instead of going to an independent account under international control). This is Turkey’s goal, to pay the salaries of its mercenaries and extract billions in the name of compensation, as the Turkish presidency has declared today openly.


The same sources revealed that the Division also directed that the infiltrating elements of the movement raise slogans against Russia, Egypt, and others and in support of the “Volcano of Anger” and condemn Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar in order to eclipse and overwhelm any slogans or chants against Turkey and its Syrian mercenaries. It aims to silence the spontaneous popular movement that raised its voice against everyone, be they Russians, Syrians, Egyptians, Presidential Council, or General Command.

It also ordered that treatment of the “Volcano” wounded members be among the demands because the continuation of treatment in Turkey means repaying the previous debts accumulating in the hundreds of millions that the Turkish Health Ministry claims in Libya.

Turkish intelligence believes that the best way to confront the expanding movement is to penetrate it, or rather to swallow it, to turn into an apparently popular movement while within the direction of Volcano of Anger only, instead of confronting it by force, provocation, and bullets.

Turkey, as we know, has long experience in suppressing the majority of the protests that erupted against Erdogan over the past years.


Libya: Excessive Force Used by Armed Militias Against Protesters in Tripoli

Hundreds protest against GNA corruption in Tripoli

The Address | Benghazi – Libya

TRIPOLI – Hundreds of people took to the streets in Tripoli to protest against corruption inside of the Government of National Accord (GNA), demanding that the Fayez Al-Sarraj-led government be “overthrown”.

Protests held GNA responsible for the deterioration of living conditions, criticizing the government officials high wages while ordinary citizens suffer from the cash liquidity crisis.

GNA’s payments for its Turkey-backed Syrian mercenaries and local militias were wildly denounced by the protesters.

Armed groups affiliated with GNA opened fire on the protesters, which led to several injured and one reported death.

A non-democratically elected government, GNA was formed as part of the 2015 UN-sponsored Libyan political agreement. Ever since then, it has failed to hold a control grip on western Libyan and became heavily undermined by lawless militias.

In 2019, GNA’s Al-Sarraj signed a controversial security agreement with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The agreement paved the way for Ankara to send it’s troops as well as Syrian mercenaries to Tripoli in an effort to repel the military operation launched by the Libyan National Army (LNA) at that time.

Militias Respond with Shootings and Arrests

The Address | Benghazi – Libya

Popular protests in the capital, Tripoli, were met with the excessive use of force by security personnel loyal to the Government of National Accord in Tripoli.

Imad Abu Gharara, said on his Facebook page: “My son Abdul Salam was kidnapped yesterday with thousands of Tripoli youths while he was on his way to buy milk for his son, and we have not found him. Please pray until he returns safely.”

Sources from inside the capital confirmed that armed militias carried out a widespread campaign of arrests in the neighborhoods of the capital against the demonstrators demanding the departure of the reconciliation government.

The US embassy confirms its support for the protests in Tripoli

The Address | Benghazi – Libya

The American ambassador to Libya, Richard Norland, expressed the United States’ support for the right of citizens in all parts of the country to participate in peaceful protests.

This came in light of the massive popular demonstrations taking place in the capital, Tripoli, against the government and the deterioration of the living conditions, the spread of corruption, the interruption of services such as electricity and water, and the long waiting in front of gas stations.

The US embassy said, in a statement today, Monday, that Ambassador Norland, in talks with a number of political officials in the Government of National Accord, expressed the United States’ concern about the acute shortage of electricity, especially in light of the increasing spread of the Corona pandemic, and also expressed his support for the right of citizens to All parts of the country to participate in the peaceful protests.

Norland urged the Libyan leaders to work together to meet the urgent needs of the people and seize this opportunity for the country.

The protests in the capital, Tripoli, who confirmed that they were fed up with the deterioration of services, the frequent cuts to electricity and water, and the long queues in front of fuel distribution stations, were met with live bullets fired by gunmen.

UNSMIL statement on protests in Tripoli on 23 August 2020

The rights to peaceful assembly, protest and freedom of expression are fundamental human rights and fall within Libya’s obligations under international human rights law. UNSMIL calls for an immediate and thorough investigation into the excessive use of force by pro-GNA security personnel in Tripoli yesterday which resulted in the injury of a number of protesters.

These demonstrations were motivated by frustrations about sustained poor living conditions, shortages of electricity and water and a lack of service provision throughout the country.

Given the continuing immiseration of the Libyan people and the ever-present threat of renewed conflict, it is past time for Libyan leaders to put aside their differences and engage in a fully inclusive political dialogue as outlined by GNA President Sarraj and House of Representatives Speaker Saleh in their declarations last week.


Protests Against GNA Tyranny Turns Deadly as 22 Civilians Killed by GNA Mercenaries

Submitted by JoanneM on

August 23, 2020 Tripoli, Libya Protestors took to the streets of Tripoli and surrounding cities to protest the untenable living conditions in the city and in the whole of Libya. The city of Tripoli that has been under the control of the so called Government of National Accord (appointed by and supported by the UN) since 2015. Since that time the GNA has not done one government like activity in Libya. The GNA is made up of radicals, mostly Muslim Brotherhood but some Al Qaeda and LIFG. The Libyan people would have never agreed or voted to put such people in charge of their banks, government ministries or other such institutions. The criminals in the GNA were appointed? by someone in a meeting? in Tunisia. The elected government of Libya – the HOR (House of Representatives) rejected a group of men appointed in a foreign country to rule in Tripoli so the UN sneaked them in by the dark of night by boat to Tripoli. Once they landed they were under the protection of Belhaj, the terrorist leader of the LIFG in Tripoli. The GNA having put their feet on Libyan soil were immediately recognized as the legitimate government of Libya by the UN. This recognition was to last for 2 years, but since the GNA has not complied with one article of the so called Shkirat agreement, why should they be bound by the 2 year time limit. The corruption of the GNA regime knows no bounds. The first principle of the Shkirat agreement was to “Ensure the democratic rights of the Libyan people”. Serraj, the man appointed to head the GNA by God only knows who; was a furniture salesman, I am pretty sure he cannot even spell the word democracy. Serraj is of Turkish decent and a full blown PUPPET of the Turkish madman “Erdogan”.

The downhill slide of the living conditions, rights of the people, etc., started immediately after the GNA regime was installed. The situation continues to worsen daily. Billions of dollars of Libyan funds have been “GIFTED” to Turkey without any conditions attached. Billions of Libyan dollars have been paid to terrorist mercenaries brought into Tripoli to secure the criminal activities of the GNA regime and purchase weapons to be used against any Libyan that does not bow down to the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the reason the oil was shut off by the great tribes of Libya. They said we will no longer allow the money from Libya’s oil resources to be used by the GNA and Turkey to kill our people.

Yesterday, August 23, 2020; .as the people of Tripoli took to the streets demanding the removal of Serraj and his criminal GNA radical regime because they have suffered too long now with no electricity, no food, no medicine, no water, no gasoline, etc. – 22 YOUNG PEOPLE were shot and killed by the GNA regime using their terrorist mercenaries – paid for with the Libyan people’s money. The Libyan people demand the removal of all their so called governments – there is no support for the people from any of them and there is no legitimate government in Libya. They call for a country wide election that was promised to them years ago.


In 2011 the entire country, security and government was DESTROYED by NATO because 2 protestors were shot by Qatari snipers in Benghazi and it was blamed on Ghadafi. Hillary Clinton’s legacy continues in Libya. The people suffer every day with a criminal regime that does nothing except support the theft of Libya to a Turkish madman who wants to reinstate one of the most brutal regimes in the history of the world – the “Ottoman Empire”. The entire destruction of Libya was based on a lie and the continuation of the oppression of the Libyan people by the UN and its minions is a crime against humanity that the world refuses to recognize.

The UN in its report today about the protests in Tripoli barely covers the reasons and the results of the protests. But, if you remember in 2011, the reports of crimes in Libya were embellished to the point of it being worse than Nazi Germany. A small slap on the hand of the GNA that there will be an investigation into the use of force means absolutely nothing will happen. Why is that? Because the GNA is the creature created by the UN. All that is required to help Libya return to a peaceful country is to remove the virus that is making it sick, that virus is the GNA and Turkey. Link to UN report:…

You will not find one legitimate reports about what happened in Tripoli on August 23, 2020. The national media outlets are reporting protests with some blaming problems on Ghadafi supporters. Again they try to turn the world against Libya with lies. It is the terrorist mercenaries that shot the people – some of the protestors attempted to fight back but in the end the mercenaries are better armed and have no oversight so they kill randomly. You will not see a report of 22 killed in any media outlet.

The list of those killed has been made known in Libya and i will post it below this article.

Another effect of these protests has been an increased urgency by Turkey to take over Libya by force. As the Turkish madman, Erdogan sees his puppet in Tripoli failing and possibly soon to be gone, taken out by the Libyan people, he has begun to move his warships towards the Sirte harbor. The Libyan National Army and the Egyptian army are both on high alert as Turkey has been warned to keep their war ships away from Libya.

Make no mistake, there will be no ceasefire in Libya, it is a red herring. The same dirty game played by the UN during the Berlin talks. When the Libyan peoples army agreed to the terms and pulled out of Tripoli, the Turkish supported GNA did not and claimed a victory over the Libyan army. The LNA will not fall for this again, no matter if Serraj or Saleh of the GNA and HOR respectively, state such things. There can be no ceasefire when your country is illegally occupied and being stolen from on a grand scale by terrorists. You cannot negotiate with terrorists.

Things are coming to a head in Libya, the people are standing against the corruption and terrorists that were planted in their country by NATO and Hillary Clinton. They will take back their country or they will die. The US people had better pay attention, the same dirty tricks are being played on the US citizens today and the results will be the same. It is all part of the New World Order Khazarian Zionists agenda.

Killed protestors

Ancora scontri tra RATTI mercenari che sostengono Al Serraji.

Due incidenti tra le forze di supporto al Governo di Tripoli

Un soldato (mercenario) siriano dell’esercito di Ankara ha confermato che nella giornata di venerdì si sono verificati due incidenti tra le forze affiliate al Governo di Tripoli.

Secondo il giovane siriano, una disputa personale sarebbe sfociata in uno scontro che ha portato alla morte di due siriani appartenenti alla fazione del Sultan Murad, nei pressi di Salah al Din, a sud di Tripoli.

Nel secondo invece, libici appartenenti a gruppi armati locali si sarebbero scontrati ad Ain Zara, nei pressi del college militare. Secondo la stessa fonte, alcuni di loro sarebbero rimasti feriti.

Preso da:

Turkey tests military flights to Libya amid reports of establishing bases

Ankara proving it can rapidly and easily deploy several F-16s and early warning aircraft to Libya, official tells MEE
A Turkish F-16 takes off from Eskisehir as part of the air drill in the Eastern Mediterranean (Handout)




Turkey’s military conducted an eight-hour long air drill to the Libyan coast on Thursday to show that it could rapidly and easily deploy several F-16s and early warning aircraft to the country if needed, a Turkish official told Middle East Eye.

In a separate formal announcement, Turkey’s military reported that its air force and navy jointly conducted “Open Sea Training” in the Eastern Mediterranean, with 17 aircraft involved having taken off from the city of Eskisehir. Eight frigates and corvettes also joined the drill.

“The activity was conducted in international waters, in a route totalling a 2,000km round trip,” a second Turkish official told MEE. The drill, which was commanded by the military headquarters back in Turkey, also included airtankers and C-130 military cargo planes.

Meanwhile, Turkish media reported that Ankara will establish two military bases in Libya as part of its security cooperation with the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA).

The Yeni Safak daily report, referencing regional sources, said the strategic al-Watiya airbase in western Libya will become a drone hub, where armed UAVs and surveillance aircraft will be deployed. The drones will be protected by Turkish air defence systems, it said.

Al-Watiya was recaptured by the GNA last month with the help of Turkish military assistance, one of a series of victories against Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA) that has seen the eastern commander’s offensive in western Libya crumble.

Despite a UN weapons embargo, Turkey signed a military cooperation deal with the GNA and sent drones, armoured vehicles, Syrian mercenaries and military officers to support the government, which was struggling to fight off Haftar’s UAE, Egypt and Russia-backed forces.

Yeni Safa said a second naval base would be established in Misrata, which is crucial for the military supply chain from Turkey.

“Considering the increase of Greek provocations in Eastern Mediterranean, and the strategic importance of naval forces, it is an imperative to maintain the Turkish navy’s presence in the area,” the report said.

Several reports in the Turkish media earlier this week indicated that Ankara plans to contribute to efforts to rebuild Libya once a permanent ceasefire is put in place. The Turkish government also intends to begin oil and gas drilling activities in the country and off its coast in the next few months.

Yeni Safak said that oil company Turkish Petroleum is expected to run the oil facilities in Misrata once the area is totally cleared of LNA forces.

Burhanettin Duran, an expert on international relations who is close to the Turkish government, said in a column on Friday that Turkey should have a four-point plan in Libya to ensure Ankara’s interests are protected.

“Bilateral relations between Ankara and Tripoli must be deepened in the areas of security, energy and investment. This should be extended to the drilling activities on land and sea,” he wrote.

“Secondly, the GNA’s control of Sirte and Jufra should be ensured by seizing the oil crescents with the help of Turkish military advise and armed drones.”

Duran added that Turkey has to have a place in the reconstruction efforts and draft a political solution proposal that would satisfy all parties involved, including the GNA’s rival Benghazi-based government allied with Haftar.


L’Onu sta a guardare mentre Erdogan e i Fratelli Musulmani distruggono la Libia

8 Giugno 2020.

Di Vanessa Tomassini.

La Libia continua a precipitare in un vortice di morte e violenza dopo che il Governo di Accordo Nazionale (GNA), con base a Tripoli e sostenuto dalla Turchia di Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ha rifiutato qualsiasi accordo di cessate il fuoco nonostante numerosi appelli della Comunità internazionale per una tregua. Dopo il ritiro del Libyan National Army (LNA) dalla Libia occidentale per proteggere i civili dal fuoco indiscriminato delle milizie di Fayez al-Serraj e Fathi Pashagha, sabato il generale Khalifa Haftar ha inviato consistenti rinforzi dalle città di Bengasi e Marj, a Sirte, comprese le Forze Speciali, anche conosciute come la Brigata Al-Saiqa, guidata dal comandante Wanis Bukhamada.

Secondo militari di Sirte, più di 30 membri delle milizie del GNA sono stati uccisi nella periferia della città che ha dato i natali al colonnello Muammar Gheddafi. L’LNA guidato dal feldmaresciallo Haftar ha respinto le milizie di Tripoli e Misurata, costringendole a ritirarsi oltre l’area di Al-Washka sabato. L’LNA ha anche affermato di aver abbattuto due droni turchi, bruciando più di una dozzina di veicoli appartenenti alle milizie Al-Wefaq a causa dei bombardamenti aerei e alla prontezza dell’esercito libico sugli assi di Sirte.

Per trovare una soluzione pacifica alla crisi, dopo la ripresa dei colloqui del gruppo di contatto sponsorizzato dalle Nazioni Unite a Ginevra (5 + 5), il generale Haftar e il presidente del parlamento libico, Aquila Salah, sono arrivati al Cairo per colloqui di alto livello con il presidente egiziano Abdel Fatah al-Sisi. Durante una conferenza stampa congiunta, i tre hanno annunciato un nuovo piano per la Libia, che mira a consentire legittime elezioni presidenziali e parlamentari. Haftar ha accettato la nuova iniziativa politica che include un cessate il fuoco da lunedì e un piano di pace a lungo termine. La Comunità internazionale ha accolto con favore la “Dichiarazione del Cairo”, in particolare gli Emirati Arabi Uniti, Francia, Germania e l’Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti in Libia; mentre l’Italia e la Turchia sono rimaste in silenzio, così come la Missione di Sostegno delle Nazioni Unite in Libia (UNSMIL).

Parlando a fianco di Haftar e Aquila Saleh, Sisi ha proposto un piano che prevede colloqui a Ginevra, l’elezione di un consiglio direttivo, lo scioglimento delle milizie e l’uscita di tutti i combattenti stranieri dalla Libia. Il GNA di Serraj e l’Alto Consiglio di Stato, guidato dall’esponente della Fratellanza Musulmana, Khaled al-Meshri, hanno respinto le proposte dell’Egitto. Mentre la maggior parte dei libici hanno criticato sui social network la posizione di UNSMIL, accusando in particolare la Rappresentante Speciale del Segretario Generale (SRSG), Stephanie Williams, di non essere neutrale, patteggiando per il GNA, in particolare per il ministro dell’Interno Fathi Pashagha. I libici hanno chiesto di nominare con urgenza un nuovo inviato dopo le dimissioni di Ghassan Salamé a marzo. Va detto che Francia e Italia, i principali attori europei coinvolti nel fascicolo libico, hanno precedentemente concordato di trovare un nuovo inviato delle Nazioni Unite nel Paese nordafricano.

La Missione ha perso qualsiasi credibilità ignorando i recenti crimini delle bande armate di al-Wefaq, nelle aree precedentemente controllate dall’esercito libico. Dieci civili sono stati uccisi in Qasr Bin Gashir, il 4 giugno, due famiglie sono state massacrate nei pressi della città di Sirte il giorno dopo. Le milizie di Tripoli e Misurata hanno bruciato e saccheggiato il centro commerciale della città di Tarhouna, devastato il cimitero come atto di vendetta contro i civili che sostengono l’LNA, oltre ad aver incendiato diverse case ed il parco naturale.

Nemmeno agli animali sono stati risparmiati dalla violenza delle milizie criminali e terroristiche di Serraj e Pashagha. Il leone del fratello al-Kani è stato ucciso, così come gazzelle e cervi del parco. Secondo quanto riferito dai civili, un uomo è stato ucciso da gruppi di al-Wefaq, a Bani Walid, con l’accusa di preparare i pasti per le truppe di Haftar, un altro giovane è stato trucidato per la sospetta affiliazione col Governo ad interim nell’est del Paese.

È chiaro a tutti che il conflitto libico è stato prolungato dall’interferenza turca. Il presidente Recep Tayyip Erdogan ha dispiegato migliaia di mercenari siriani in Libia dalla fine del 2019 fino ad oggi. Il popolo libico ha respinto il ruolo di Erdogan nel sostenere i Fratelli Musulmani, i suoi piani espansionistici nella regione e i suoi sogni per il ritorno dell’Impero ottomano. Il leader tunisino del partito politico Ennadha e capo del parlamento, Rashid Ghannouchi, insieme ai leader dell’ala libica della Fratellanza, Ali al-Salabi e Muhammad Sowan, hanno chiesto ad Erdogan di intervenire in Libia con il pretesto di “proteggere il governo legittimo e difendere lo stato civile contro i militari regolari”, ma la verità è che il loro progetto è vicino al collasso. Liberare Tripoli dalle milizie significa fermare i finanziamenti del gruppo ecco perché si oppongono così ferocemente all’istituzione dell’establishment militare.

Preoccupata per la sicurezza dei suoi Stati membri, anche l’Europa ha ripetutamente condannato la collaborazione turca e del GNA, a seguito di numerosi report che indicano elementi radicali siriani in Libia come difensori del Governo di Al-Sarraj. Erdogan mira a intimidire l’Europa e in particolare l’Italia mentre quegli estremisti si infiltrano tra i migranti in partenza dalla Libia occidentale verso le coste europee. Secondo quanto riferito, almeno 41 siriani sono arrivati ​​in Italia via mare, confermando che la prossima destinazione dei mercenari di Erdogan è l’Europa.

Erdogan ha avuto un ruolo distruttivo in Siria e sta ripetendo i suoi errori in Libia. L’intervento della Turchia aveva infranto il diritto internazionale e riacceso il conflitto. Il presidente turco Erdogan dovrebbe essere indagato e accusato di crimini di guerra nel corso dell’offensiva militare del suo paese in Siria, l’ex procuratore e investigatore delle Nazioni Unite, Carla Del Ponte, ha più volte detto, indicando che Erdogan invade il territorio siriano per distruggere i curdi.

Da ottobre 2019, i russi e le forze turche hanno iniziato a pattugliare la striscia di terra di 10km, nel nord-est della Siria, dove le truppe americane erano state dispiegate per anni accanto ai loro ex alleati curdi. Gli alleati NATO della Turchia, compresi gli Stati Uniti, hanno criticato la sua incursione militare nel nord-est della Siria, temendo che questa avrebbe minato la lotta contro i militanti dello Stato Islamico. Tuttavia le nazioni europee sono state riluttanti a confrontarsi con la Turchia per le sue azioni, dopo che Erdogan ha minacciato di “aprire le porte” ai rifugiati affinché in migliaia potessero dirigersi verso l’Europa. In Libia come in Siria, Erdogan usa i migranti come strumento di contrattazione.

Le folli missioni all’estero, il continuo sostegno militare e finanziario ai Fratelli Musulmani, il finanziamento dei gruppi terroristici e la campagna espansionistica coloniale hanno ridotto in povertà milioni di turchi. Nonostante la forte repressione contro la stampa per nascondere la cattiva gestione dell’emergenza COVID-19, la lira turca ha raggiunto i minimi storici nel tasso di cambio con il dollaro, portando alla fuga degli investitori stranieri.

Questo spiega perché il partito di Erdogan vede una crescente opposizione. Durante il mese sacro del Ramadan, al posto dell’adhan, la chiamata alla preghiera dell’Islam, diverse moschee di Smirne hanno sorprendentemente diffuso le note della canzone italiana “Bella Ciao”. Le parole “O partigiano, portami via”, sebbene nella versione “Cav Bella”, adattata in turco, suonavano come una gigantesca critica al regime di Erdogan, se non una vera beffa. Tanto che ha provocato la reazione del portavoce del partito islamista, un ex ministro turco. La gente in seguito ha capito che la canzone “Bella Ciao” in turco, diffusa dalle mosche di Smirne, era quella cantata da Grup Yorum, la band folk che ha visto la morte di tre dei suoi membri per via di uno sciopero della fame, dopo che Erdogan ha vietato loro di esibirsi in concerto usando la falsa accusa di collegamenti con il terrorismo.

La cantante Helin Bolek, il bassista Ibrahim Gokcek e il chitarrista Mustafa Kocak si sono lasciati morire dopo 300 giorni di digiuno volontario.  La band Grup Yorum è nata nel famoso quartiere di Istanbul che più si oppone al partito di Erdogan. Alla fine dei loro concerti, il gruppo era solito concludere l’esibizione in un grande abbraccio con il pubblico, cantando insieme “Bella Ciao” in turco. Una canzone cara anche ai guerriglieri curdi sia a Kobane, in Siria, sia nel PKK, il Partito dei Lavoratori del Kurdistan.

Preso da: